Assignment Class 8

CLASS - 8 Term II (2013-2014)
Coal & Petroleum 
Chemistry Assignment
A. Answer the following in one word or very briefly.
1. Name two fossil fuels.
2. Which government organization is associated with petroleum?
3. What is CNG?
4. Which process is used to separate the components of petroleum?
5. What is the source of a natural gas?
B. Answer the following in brief.
1. State two important uses of coal?
2. What is a fossil fuel?
3. What is carbonization process?
4. How is petroleum formed in nature?
5. Why must we look for alternative sources of energy?
C. Answer the following in appropriate detail.
1. Describe in brief the formation of coal in the earth.
2. Where is natural gas found? Why is it called a clean fuel? Give two reasons.
3. State two important uses of CNG.
4. What is refining of petroleum ? What is the principle behind it ? Name any four
components obtained and their uses.
Q.1 Fill in the blanks:-
(i) On heating in air, coal mainly produces ________ gas.
(ii) ________ is an almost pure form of carbon.
(iii) Coal tar is a mixture of about ________ substance..
(iv) Now a days ________, a petroleum product is used in place of ________ for metal ling the roads.
(v) ________ is used as a fuel in light automobiles whereas heavy motor vehicles run on ________.
Q.2 Multiple choice questions (Choose the correct option)
(A) Renewable resources need to be conserved because
  (a) We are using them faster than they are replenished by nature.
  (b) They are slowly disappearing from the earth.
  (c) If we overuse them nature will stop replacing them.
  (d) All of these
(B) Coal mainly contains
  (a) Carbon (b) Carbon & Hydrogen (c) Carbon, Hydrogen & Nitrogen (d) Carbon, Nitrogen & Oxygen
(C) Which of these is not a natural source of energy?
  (a) Coal (b) Petroleum (c) Electricity (d) Sun
(D) Fossil Fuels are
  (a) renewable but exhaustible (b) renewable but inexhaustible (c) Non renewable but can be recycled (d) Non renewable and can not be recycled
(E) Which of these is not a fossil fuel?
  (a) CNG (b) LPG (c) Petrol (d) hydrogen
Q.3 What are natural resources?
Q.4 Give three examples of natural and man-made material?
Q.5 What are the two kinds of natural resources? Explain giving examples?
Q.6 What are fossil fuels? Give three examples?
Q.7 Write two uses of coke?
Q.8 Name four substances which are manufactured using products obtained from coal tar?
1) Which resource is inexhaustible by human activities.
a) Coal b) Petrol
c) Air d) Minerals
2) Which fuel does not leave residue.
a) Coal b) Wood
c) Kerosene oil d) Cow dung cakes
3) Which fuel produce less pollution.
a) Petrol b) Coal
c) CNG d) Wood.
4) When coal is burnt, which gas is produced.
a) Oxygen b) Carbon dioxide
c) Nitrogen d) Hydrogen
5) Which is pure form of carbon.
a) Coke b) Coal
c) Coal Tar d) Coal Gas.
6) Write one word for the following sentences.
a) Resources are present in unlimited quantity in nature ___________.
b) Fuels which are formed from dead remains of living organismn (fossils) ____________.
c) The process of separating various constituents of petroleum._________
d) A slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal ___________.
7) Petroleum and natural gas deposits are shown in figure. Where will be oil, gas and water present
Q.1 Fill in the blanks:-
(i) On heating in air, coal mainly produces ________ gas.
(ii) ________ is an almost pure form of carbon.
(iii) Coal tar is a mixture of about ________ substance..
(iv) Now a days ________, a petroleum product is used in place of ________ for metalling the roads.
(v) ________ is obtained during the processing of wood to get coke.
Q.2 What are natural resources?
Q.3 Give three examples of natural and man-made material?
Q.4 What are the two kinds of natural resources? Explain giving examples?
Q.5 What are fossil fuels? Give three examples?
Q.6 Write three uses of coal?
Q.7 What is meant by carbonization?
Q.8 Write two uses of coke?
Q.9 Name four substances which are manufactured using products obtained from coal tar?
Q.10 How is petroleum formed?
Q.11 name three places in India where petroleum oil is found.
Q.12 What is petroleum refining?
Q.13 Write two uses of petrol, kerosene, diesel, paraffin wax and bitumen?
Q.14 Why is CNG being used as a fuel for vehicles?
Q.15 Explain why should we use fossil fuels only when absolutely necessary.
Q.16 What is the full form of LPG and CNG?
Q.17 What are the tips given by PCRA to save petrol and diesel?
Q.18 Why is petroleum called black gold?
Q.19 Give two advantages of natural gas as a fuel.
Q.20 Explain why coal, petrol and diesel oil will be exhausted one day.


Q.1 How does a sound making object differ from one that is silent?
Q.2 How does sound from a sound producing body travel through air to reach our
Q.3 Why are the voices of men, Women and children different?
Q.4 Why a sound cannot be heard on the moon?
Q.5 How do astronauts talk to one another on the surface of moon and Why?
Q.6 If you want to hear a train approaching from far away, why is it more convenient
to put the ear to the track?
Q.7 State one observation from everyday life which shows that sound travels much
more slowly than light?
Q.8 What is the scientific name for the following?
 The number of vibrations made per second.
Q.9 Why do we not hear the screams of a bat?
Q.10 Which of the following frequency of sound can be heard by a dog but not by a
man? {a} 50,000 hertz {b} 15,000 hertz
Q.11 Explain how, noise pollution {or excessive loud noise} is harmful to human
Q.12 State the various measures which can be taken to control {or reduce} noise
pollution in our surroundings.
Q.13 Give two causes of noise pollution from the homes.
Q.14 Sound of different pitch can be produced using a flute. Explain, how?


1. What is reproduction?
2. Explain the importance of reproduction in organism.
3. What are the different modes of reproduction by which animals reproduce?
4. Describe asexual reproduction & it’s different types.
5. How new individuals developed in hydra?
6. How new individuals developed in amoeba?
7. Write some basic feature of a sexual Reproduction?
8. Differentiate between
(a) Binary fission and multiple fission

(b) fission and budding

(c) fission and fragmentation

9. Describe about cloning?
10. Describe the process of fertilization in human body?
11. What are different kinds of fertilization?
12. Differentiate between Viviparous and Oviparous Animals?
13 What is metamorphosis?
14. How does an embryo obtain nutrition for grow and develop its body parts?
15. What is test-tube baby?
16. What is implantation?
17. What is placenta?
18. What is gestation?
19. What is parturition?
20. Why does a child show some characteristics of the father and some of the mother?
21. Why do fish and frogs lay eggs in hundreds whereas a hen lays only one egg at a time?

22. Name the following:
(a) The organ which produces sperm
(b) The organ which produces egg
(c) The place where embryo develops in human female
(d) The organ in reproductive system which receives the sperm
(e) A muscular tissue which delivers the sperm into vagina of female
(f) Name the method of asexual reproduction in which individuals develops from the bud.
(g) Name the process of reproduction in Amoeba


1. Deforestation means
a) Cleaning of forests b) To grow plants
c) To look after plants d) None of these
2. The plants found in particular area are termed as .
a) Fauna b) Flora
c) Endemic species d) wild animals
3. Red data book keeps the record of
a) Endangered species b) Sanctuary
c) Plants d) Animals
4. Project - Tiger means.
a) Hunting of tigers b) Rearing of tigers
c) Survival & maintanance of tigers d) All of these
5. Write one word for the following sentences.
(Hint : Ecosystem, National Park, Endangered species, Biosphere reserve, Sanctuary)
a) Animals whose numbers are diminishing to a level and they might face extinction ________ 
b) All the plants, animals and micro-organism in an area along with non-living component ____________.
c) An area where animals are protected from any disturbance to them and their habitat ___________.
d) An area reserved for wild life, where they can freely use the habitats & natural resources _____________.
e) A large area of protected land for conservation of wild life, plant & animal resourceS.
6. Do you Know?
a) How many tress are cut to get I tonne paper ________________.
b) How many times a paper can be recycled __________________.



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